Location:Home > Products > Prism
  • >Corner Cube Retroreflectors

    It has three mutually perpendicular surfaces and a hypotenuse face. Light entering through the hypotenuse is reflected by each of the three surfaces

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  • >Dove Prism

    ​Dove prism has two applications.

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  • >Penta Prism

    Penta prism can deviate an incident beam without inverting or reversing to 90.

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  • >Right Angle Prism

    Right angle prism is deviating or deflecting a beam of light with 90° or 180°. It is often used in telescope, periscope and other optical system.

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  • >Roof Prism (Amici Prism)

    Roof prism is combined with a right angle prism and a totally internally reflecting roof and they are attached by them largest square surfaces.

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